If you answered “yes” to these questions

We want to dig deeper with you to unlock and uncover what’s keeping you “stuck” in that rut. At Energrowth Coaching ®, we work exclusively with the following clients to help them integrate small changes into their daily routings that lead to long-term positive results.

Whether you are an individual or a corporate group, Energrowth focuses its attention on drawing out solutions to the following:

  • Are you the leader you want to be?

  • How do you get ahead when you do not have the direct experience?

  • How do you create personal value to your organization?

  • Are you in your ideal position? If not, how do you create it?

  • How do you climb the ladder without losing your soul?

  • Are you in your optimal health? If not, how do you get there?

  • Is what you are doing getting you what you want?

  • Should you stay, or should you go at your organization?

  • Is the thrill of what you do gone? How do you re-claim it?

  • How does what you do align with your life purpose and/or your values?

Coaching Packages & Fees

Our specialized coaching services are suitable for individuals or corporations and touch on an array of areas, including teamwork, building relationships, change management and transformational change, leadership, delegation, public speaking, hiring and firing, high-potentials coaching, survival after life/career changes, adapting to a new boss, crafting your elevator speech and personal brand, work-life balance, and making health a goal.

Our fees and coaching packages are contingent on the number of subjects covered and can range up to 3-5% of your annual income. We offer an incentive for those desiring coaching services that exceed 6 sessions. We additionally offer 3-month and 6-month coaching sessions. All sessions are available via Zoom, phone, or face-to-face (for an additional travel cost where geographically feasible).

Are you ready to take the leap into greater potential for yourself? Click on the link below to fill out our questionnaire so that we can set up a discovery call and learn what’s holding you back from achieving your greatest potential.

Discovery Call Questionnaire