Let Energrowth raise your inner energy

Energy is contagious. If someone is tense we feel their low inner energy. If they are inspirational and encouraging we feel their high inner energy and it ripples across everyone. Regardless of our title, we all have the opportunity to lead others when we interact with other people.
Since our energy level affects our staff, clients, and our loved ones we have an opportunity to engage others with high or low inner energy. If we desire growth we need to operate with high energy levels to fuel that growth. The challenge for most is getting stuck in low levels and then wondering why our progress is so stilted. Once we can identify the feel and triggers for low energy we are on our way to removing those obstacles so we can maintain a high energy level.
Our optimal activity occurs when our inner energy is at its highest levels. If we desire growth we need to operate with high energy levels to fuel that growth.
What is the ELI?
What is the purpose of the energy leadership index assessment?

What does it measure?
Your energetic profile and energetic stress reaction are indicators of:
Your leadership ability – your ability to inspire yourself and others to get more done.Your current level of engagement in life – are you emotionally and intellectually involved, or simply going through the motions?
Your current level of consciousness – your awareness of who you truly are and what life is about.

Why the energy leadership index is so important

What is involved?
The ELI Assessment is done online and takes about 20 minutes. Only an ELI Master Practitioner can administer and interpret the results of the Energy Leadership Index Assessment.
You will receive an “Energy Leadership Report” generated from your results which I will share with you. We will then spend an hour or more examining your personal energetic profile and energetic stress reaction which will enable us to uncover the triggers behind your energetic reactions to stress. Most importantly, we will discuss what you can do to decrease stress and increase your productivity and pleasure.

As an ELI Master Practitioner Coach Randee Lehrer can help you:
1. Uncover your triggers for stress.
2. Learn to respond to situations instead of reacting to them.
3. Remove all the things you identify as causing negative energy in your life.
4. Obtain higher inner energy to achieve your goals, higher consciousness, and hence true happiness.